Sunday, March 29, 2020

Finding a Chinese Tutor Near Me

Finding a Chinese Tutor Near MeThere are many reasons why someone would want to find a Chinese tutor near me. It could be that they are studying Mandarin Chinese, or that their kids are learning it. Whatever the reason is, if you are going to be a tutor then you are going to need a place that you can work from and a client base. Either way, you will need the right tools and there are a lot of them available for you to use in order to be successful.The first thing that you are going to want to have access to is a computer with internet access, a printer, and probably a scanner as well. Those three items are going to be your main tools when you are going to be trying to make your living with tutoring Chinese. Your computer, printer, and scanner will allow you to communicate with your clients, as well as make copies of the papers that they need to take home. These are all very important parts of your business.You also need to know what type of work you are going to be doing. There are d ifferent parts of Chinese that you will be required to know about, and there are different parts of other languages that you may be asked to learn. For example, there are different versions of Spanish that exist, and so you will need to know this information before you start. In the end, when it comes to finding a good Chinese tutor, you need to be knowledgeable about what you are going to be doing and what you are going to teach.Of course, you also want to be able to find the perfect one to meet your needs. There are a lot of people out there who will advertise that they are willing to be your tutor, but they are not able to provide you with the work that you need to be effective. In order to get the results that you are looking for, you will need to know where to look in order to find someone who is willing to work with you.One way that you can find a tutor that will meet your needs is by looking on the internet. There are a lot of websites that allow you to put in an advertisemen t to let others know that you are looking for a tutor to help you learn the language. You can also use the internet to look up someone that you think might be interested in being your tutor. This will not guarantee that you will find someone that is going to be able to help you out, but it can help.If you are going to be the one who is looking for a tutor, you will have to make sure that you are willing to pay for it. There are a lot of ways that you can pay for a tutor, but the best way to go about it is to put the advertisement in a paid classified ad. This is the only way that you will be able to find someone who is willing to help you out.If you are going to be the one searching for a tutor on the internet, then you will want to do some research on what type of places are available. There are plenty of options that are available to you online, and you can find the one that you are looking for. Make sure that you read reviews, and you will be able to choose a place that will be a ble to help you learn the language easily.Finally, before you sign up for a tutor to make sure that you know what you are looking for. If you are learning from someone who is teaching you the language as well as working on their own project, then you will be able to find them through an online search. If you are looking for someone who is going to be teaching you the language, then you should look for someone that works from home, or someone that you can reach via the internet.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The 50 Biggest Tutoring Cities in the U.S.

The 50 Biggest Tutoring Cities in the U.S. researched its database to determine the biggest tutoring cities in the United States. To accomplish this objective we compare the population of the top 50 U.S. cities with the number of requests for personal tutoring for all subjects ranging from math, over English to essay writing. Information about personal tutor requests originates from Tutorz’ database and is bound by the years 2007 and 2010. The ranking of U.S. cities by population is based on a Wikipedia publication. The table below ranks the top 10 U.S. cities by the number of requests for private tutors and compares it with the city’s rank by population. City Rank by Tutoring Referrals City Rank by Population New York, NY 1 1 Houston, TX 2 4 Los Angeles, CA 3 2 Chicago, IL 4 3 Indianapolis, IN 5 12 Atlanta, GA 6 40 Dallas, TX 7 9 Brooklyn, NY 8 Miami, FL 9 44 San Jose, CA 10 10 Not surprisingly New York is number one by tutoring requests and population. referred in New York City alone 371 private tutors to students seeking help with homework. New York is also the most populated city in the U.S. with 8.4 million citizens approximately. Also noteworthy, education is one of New York’s bigger industries facilitated by notable private universities such as Columbia University, New York University, and Pace University. Rank 2nd, 3rd and 4th is held by Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL and Houston, TX. For these 3 cities, the tutoring rank agrees approximately with the population rank. These cities are the home of renowned universities including University of California at Los Angeles, University of Chicago and Rice University Houston). At rank 5 we have the first big surprise: Indianapolis, IN is ranked 5 by tutoring while only the 12th largest city. This result might be explained with the number of fine universities in Indianapolis (incl. Purdue University, University of Indianapolis, and Butler University). Another attempt to explain this result is to theorize that the citizens of Indianapolis place higher value on education or have recognized the substantial benefits of tutoring. Lastly, we admit that the Tutorz’ data is biased towards areas of higher marketing activity, although no special emphasis was place to Indianapolis in past marketing campaigns. The next surprise is Atlanta, GA being ranked 6th by tutoring. With a population of about 420,000 Atlanta scores place 40 in Wikipedia. Perhaps the Georgia State University or Clark Atlanta University has helped to boost Atlanta’s rank. But without a doubt Tutorz partner website, a local tutoring company has helped to let Atlanta fly high in ranks. On place 7 we record another Texas city Dallas, TX. The rank of Dallas agrees roughly with its rank by population (9th). Brooklyn, NY is ranked 8th. Technically Brooklyn is a part of New York City and thus not featured in Wikipedia’s rank by population. But nice parents and students prefer to look for tutors in Brooklyn rather than New York we list it here separately. Note, if Brooklyn were a city it would be the home of more than 2 million people. Miami, FL holds rank 9 by tutoring but is according to Wikipedia only the 44th largest U.S. city. This surprising result can be theorized with the same arguments as for Indianapolis, IN. And finally, San Jose, CA maintains rank 10 in both the Tutorz database and Wikipedia publication. Is your city not among the top 10? Look at the table below. It ranks the top 50 U.S. cities by the number of requests for private tutors and compares it with the city’s rank by population. City Rank by Tutoring Referrals City Rank by Population New York, NY 1 1 Houston, TX 2 4 Los Angeles, CA 3 2 Chicago, IL 4 3 Indianapolis, IN 5 12 Atlanta, GA 6 40 Dallas, TX 7 9 Brooklyn, NY 8 Miami, FL 9 44 San Jose, CA 10 10 Kansas City, MO 11 37 Baltimore, MD 12 21 Phoenix, AZ 13 6 Boston, MA 14 22 Sacramento, CA 15 35 Denver, CO 16 26 Philadelphia, PA 17 5 Austin, TX 18 14 Irvine, CA 19 96 Anaheim, CA 20 54 San Diego, CA 21 8 Alexandria, VA 22 177 Northridge, CA 23 Milwaukee, WI 24 28 Washington, DC 25 24 Cincinnati, OH 26 62 Fremont, CA 28 95 Encino, CA 29 Baton Rouge, LA 30 85 Cleveland, OH 31 45 Minneapolis, MN 32 48 Memphis, TN 33 20 Las Vegas, NV 34 30 Seattle, WA 35 23 Gainesville, FL 36 202 Nashville, TN 37 25 Orlando, FL 38 79 Albany, NY 39 Oxnard, CA 40 113 Tampa, FL 41 55 Detroit, MI 42 18 San Antonio, TX 43 7 Portland, OR 44 29 Fort Lauderdale, FL 45 141 Tucson, AZ 46 33 Charlotte, NC 47 17 Fort Worth, TX 48 16 Salt Lake City, UT 49 49 New Haven, CT 50 189 Overall the rank by tutoring agrees overall with the rank by population. There are a few exceptions, however. The cities of Irvine, CA and Northridge CA are both ranked substantially higher by tutoring than by population. They hold in common that the founders of have studied at both universities and created some awareness about the Tutorz in the local population. At UC Irvine was the winner of the HiTech Octane Computing Competition and at CSUN (Northridge) Prof. Dye of the Math department became a supporter of the website. Oxnard, CA ranked 113 by population let’s eye brows rise by being ranked 40 by tutoring. After all, Oxnard is mostly an agricultural community on a plane in California’s Ventura County. Yet again, this aberration in rank can be easily explained by the fact that is headquartered in the nearby (small) town of Port Hueneme, CA. Finally, Cleveland, OH is ranked 14 places higher by tutoring than by population. Tutorz has targeted Cleveland, OH as one of its keywords in the SEO campaign. As we can see these efforts have paid off. In summary, a city’s number of requests for private tutors correlates with its population size. A number of cities rank notably higher by tutoring (Indianapolis, Miami) and we are hard-pressed to provide a reasonable explanation for aberration. Other exceptional cities (Oxnard, Irvine, Northridge) rank higher due to Tutorz’ personal relationship with these locations.

5 Tips to Manage School Stress

5 Tips to Manage School Stress School can be a stressful place for any child. Often going back to school after a half-term break or a long holiday can be hard for a child. Getting back into a routine, knowing they will have homework and early nights again can make a child feel stressed. Expectations of children are higher than ever before and let's be honest, if your child is stressed out then you are going to be stressed out too. There are plenty of ways to alleviate stress for both yourself and your child. Here are five tips to help you keep those stress levels at bay. 1. Be an understanding parent As parents we want the best for our children and sometimes we think that by adding a little pressure we will get them to work harder. Encouraging your child to do the best they can is great but if they don't get the grades they, or you, were expecting there is no need to get angry. As long as you know they have tried their best that is all that matters. Also, your child may be complaining about having to go to school. They may be having problems understanding homework they have been set or not coping with their maths work. Listen to your child and try to get to the root of any problems calmly. If they are struggling with their work you could always sit and try and work it through with them and if that isn't enough you could seek the help of a private tutor. Your child could be having issues with bullying or with a teacher that they feel 'doesn't like them'. If you know the problem you will be able to deal with it more efficiently and if your child feels that you understand what they are going through you'll be able to deal with things in a much more understanding way. 2. Make sure kids are in bed at a reasonable time Children need sleep to be able to fully function and it is recommended that they have a good ten hours sleep through the night. By ensuring your children have a good bedtime routine not only are you making sure they reap the benefits of a proper nights sleep but you will also have some wind-down time of your own before heading off to make sure you get a good eight hours sleep. Having a structured bedtime during the week will ensure your child gets into a good routine and as long as you stick to it they will get used to the same time each night being bedtime. Make sure your child finishes any homework or school preparation with plenty of time to relax before they head off for the night. 3. Laugh with your children Laughter really is the best way to alleviate stress. Laughing out loud increases oxygen and blood flow which reduces stress levels. Laughing is easy; tell some jokes, watch a funny TV program together or even have a tickling session! And the great thing with laughter is that is rather infectious. Watching your children laugh lightens your heart and takes away both their and your stresses. 4. Enjoy music In the same way laughter alleviates stress so does music. Just listening to some music together with your child can break down those stress barriers. Putting on some fun music and dancing around the lounge or playing some fun karaoke tunes to see who can belt out Grease's 'Summer Nights' the best will have you both relaxing and shaking off any stress you both may have from the day. 5. Go back to a time without technology Phones, tablets, i-pads, computers and television have taken over our lives like never before. If you are not on social media 'liking' your friends latest picture of their chihuahua, you'll be playing 'words with friends' with a stranger from New Zealand. And at the same time your child will probably be posting their latest Selfie on Facebook, creating ridiculous pictures on Snapchat or playing Mine-craft with their friends. I am shocked at the growing number of toddlers skilfully swiping their fingers over a screen. Technology can often bring on more stress than we realise and take away quality family time. Exercise is a great way of relieving stress and can be fun too. Try taking some time-out from all your gadgets and spend some quality time with your children. A nice walk to the park, a family game of football, a fun board game or just some good conversation will not only mean spending some quality family time it can help melt away stresses and fill your home with a calm and peaceful atmosphere. To conclude Children and stress do not have to go hand-in-hand. The best way to help your child is to be supportive and a good role-model. If your child can see that the stress isn't getting to you it will be a lot easier for them to fight the stress away too, leaving the home (and school) environment a more peaceful one.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

D2O Chemistry - Understanding How Chemicals Work

D2O Chemistry - Understanding How Chemicals WorkD2O Chemistry is an online system that uses pre-programmed exocompast to help you learn chemistry. You may have heard of this software before, as it's been used in a number of scientific studies in the past. What makes D2O Chemistry different is the fact that you can control the way in which the program works, thus making it much more fun to use.If you've ever taken any of the introductory chemistry courses in school, you may be able to find some of the underlying principles by simply reading the book. However, if you want to really get a grasp on how the underlying science and machinery actually work, there's no substitute for working with an actual lab or an actual scientific experiment.In terms of science itself, it's a bit like trying to learn a chemistry course from a textbook. There are generally many different concepts that need to be covered, which is why most students find themselves repeating content all through their chemistr y courses. The D2O chemistry software allows you to focus more on learning one concept at a time, thus giving you a more thorough understanding of how chemistry works. This makes it a great tool for people who are working towards a career in chemistry, as well as students who are looking to take the high school chemistry exams.In order to fully enjoy using the D2O chemistry program, you'll first need to pick up a couple of modules that will give you a basic understanding of how the actual chemical processes operate. These modules include basic formulas, equations, the structure of molecules, and units.D2O Chemistry also features a tutorial that helps teach you how to do a few different things, including making reactions. In addition, you can also try out a lot of different experiments in order to discover the things that you do not understand yet. With this program, you can do chemical experiments on different items, including wines, foods, liquids, and even plastic materials.The be st part about using D2O Chemistry is that it not only offers practice with different types of substances, but it also gives you an opportunity to play around with different kinds of objects. The software allows you to make interesting objects in a number of different ways, such as from plastics, metals, and even wood.With D2O Chemistry, you can get a good idea of how the various processes work, and what you need to know to handle the different substances that you encounter. This allows you to learn more about chemistry, making it a better science course overall.

Learning English Alphabet Worksheets

Learning English Alphabet WorksheetsIf you are looking for a way to keep your children in the language, you can use these learning English alphabet worksheets. These work quickly and easily because they are simple to follow.One of the ways that you can teach your child how to speak English is by teaching them the alphabet. This way will help them build their confidence because they are going to build an understanding of how letters are spelled. This will also help them to recognize the different letter and even learning how to pronounce some of the letters. These learning English alphabet worksheets will help your child learn the alphabet and help them build their confidence when it comes to speaking English.The teaching alphabet worksheets is the right way to go. If you decide to use the teaching alphabet worksheets, you will be able to write down what each letter means. This is great, because your child will be able to write the letter with their fingers and remember what it means. These worksheets are also great for older children. They will understand the sound of the letters and be able to read the same way adults do. When your child gets older, you will want to start writing the letters down with what they mean and what the letters stand for. Once your child has had enough practice with the alphabet, you can move on to more complex words.You will not have to worry about your child becoming frustrated because he/she does not know what the letters mean. The teaching worksheets that you use will be a great way to ease the fear of learning new words. If you are able to teach your child the alphabet, then he/she will be able to learn many new words and will learn the concept of repetition well.Using this fun way of teaching your child can be a great way to help them learn the same way a child who has a learning disability or is going through a change in their life will. The teaching alphabet worksheets can be a great way to help your child to think, read, talk, and speak.Learning how to speak English may not be easy, but if you are patient and put in the time and effort, you will find that it can be done. You will also find that it will be a lot easier for your child if you are using the teaching worksheets that are available on the internet. If you are looking for an easy way to teach your child the alphabet, then you should look into these learning English alphabet worksheets.

What Makes the University of California, Irvine So Special?

What Makes the University of California, Irvine So Special?The best University that you can attend for a Master of Science in Chemistry is the University of California, Irvine. Their online Master of Science in Chemistry degree will give you everything you need to move ahead in your career and live a long, happy life. When it comes to becoming an expert in Chemistry, it can be overwhelming to know which program is right for you, so let's take a look at some of the things that make this University so unique.You will not just get a Master of Science in Chemistry; instead, you will go on to earn a PhD. A PhD is the highest level of degree that one can receive in Chemistry. You will be able to pursue your interests further by completing a PhD program. As a Chemist, you have many careers that you can choose from, but a PhD is the most coveted because it is the pinnacle of achievement in your chosen field.Your degree program will teach you everything you need to know about Chemistry. The c ore curriculum will include topics such as Organic Chemistry, Alkali and Biomolecular Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and the periodic table. You will also learn all about every chemical element, making it an extremely useful and exciting field to pursue. When you finish your program, you will be prepared to start a career in the field that you love.It is important to realize that you can gain great knowledge about a subject from a traditional education, but that is only one way to learn about chemistry. In addition to traditional education, you can also explore the Internet for more information. With the way science and technology have developed over the past few years, the Internet has become the number one source of information on almost any topic. When you take your courses online, you will be able to study and learn at your own pace. You will also be able to do research at your own speed, as well as use your study materials whenever you have a spare moment.There are many types o f degree programs available for you to choose from. One of the most popular and highly recommended is the Bioengineering program. This program focuses on how biology, and the way it affects chemistry, is a major component of modern day life. A Master of Science in Chemistry with Bioengineering will be a perfect blend of the two, providing you with the knowledge you need to create products, make cures, and develop pharmaceuticals that are safe and effective.Students who pursue their degree in the Biological Sciences may find themselves specializing in a particular scientific discipline. If you enjoy studying the environment, learning about medical conditions, or conducting research, you may decide to specialize in a field such as Biology, Ecology, or Medicine. If you are interested in studying plants, the Environmental Sciences program will be ideal for you.One of the most popular fields that students choose to go into is the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) f ield. An MS in Chemistry with Bioengineering will be an excellent place to start if you want to work in the area of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, or you may decide to pursue a more hands-on career in Bioengineering. You can be employed within a science lab or develop your own products while earning your degree online at the University of California, Irvine.

3 Tips for Student Teachers

3 Tips for Student Teachers Student teaching can simultaneously be one of the most exciting and intimidating stages of becoming a teacher. No longer are you just reading textbooks, discussing what you would do if things occurred, or role-playing a student-teacher scenario. As a student teacher, you are able to become familiar with the schools culture, observe how other teachers operate, and take initiative in various situations. Keep reading to learn three tips for student teachers: Student teaching tip #1: Familiarize yourself with your schools culture During the first week or two of your student teaching experience, spend time getting to know your schools culture. Seek out classroom and school-wide policies, as well as spoken and unspoken rules that teachers and students abide by. For example: What does classroom management look like at your school? How does your administration like students to walk in the hallways? Are there any common concerns or community issues shared by your student or parent population? The idea is not to make generalizations about your students or parents, but rather to be aware of patterns, knowing that there will always be exceptions to the rule. A great idea is to directly seek out this information, like asking your mentor teacher or principal, as well as to notice and observe daily interactions. This practice of getting to know your schools culture will help you better meet your students needs, be a more helpful student teacher, and exercise skills that will improve your teaching in the long run. [RELATED: 3 Ways Teachers Can Encourage Passion for Learning This Semester] Student teaching tip #2: Observe as much as you can As a student teacher, you have the great opportunity to see classroom problem-solving in real time. Youll have your mentor teacher, of course, and you may be required to observe other classrooms as part of your student teaching assignment. Take advantage of these opportunities, especially the ability to see a range of teachers styles and strategies. Observe teachers who are both similar to and different from you, as this will offer valuable insight on teaching practices. If youre able toand if it doesnt conflict with your responsibilities to your mentor teacherobserve more than youre required. Once you have your own classroom, you wont have nearly the same amount of time or energy to do so. Lastly, dont forget to take notes as you observe. What worked and what didnt? What do you want to try, either immediately or next year when you feel surer of your teaching skills? This notebook of reflections will be a valuable resource as you go into your own classroom. [RELATED: 4 Ways Personalized Learning Positively Impacts Students] Student teaching tip #3: Take initiative in the classroom Student teaching is partially about observing great teachers, but its also about taking initiative and anticipating needs in your classroom. Checking in with your mentor teacher and asking them what theyd like your help with is great. You can also look around the classroom and see where you could be helpful, like checking in with a small group of students. As a student teacher, you may be both anxious to have your own classroom, but relieved that its not quite time to take over completely. Make the most of your opportunity at your student teaching assignment in terms of absorbing wisdom from more experienced teachers. Then, as you take what youve learned into your own classroom, know that every school, administration, and student is unique in their own ways. [RELATED: Resources New Teachers Can Use Next Semester] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at